Using this theme
This theme provides special classes to create specific content, for example:
You can use "fullHeight" in a block element to provide the same height as browser size, this class is used for example on main top video.
Inside these blocks you can use "fullCenter" class, to relocate the element in the middle of previous item
You can control bg-images easier with classes: "img-bg" (Cover images) "bg-right" / "bg-right" (to control bg aligment) and "img-bg-fixed" to fix a bg image.
You will be able to use "scroll-animate" class into links redirected to an anchor, this will create a screen transition with a movement between link and anchor.
About Portlets Nav:
To correctly create Portlets Navbar (fixed on top). The script will need to find a portlet title, If you need to hide it (portlets without borders for example). You will need to provide a hide title in your content, using classes "portlet-title-text" and "hide", this last one is a Bootstrap class used to hide elements
If you need to get an idea of how Bootstrap elements are showed under this theme you can surf to Bootstrap page